Mary Ann Clarke Scott
M. A. Clarke Scott set out to write engaging stories that walk a tight rope between intelligent Women’s Fiction and heart-warming Romance , and it’s caused her nothing but trouble since. In truth she writes stories about women healing from past wounds as they define and achieve their own personal happily ever afters
M. A. Clarke Scott is a Chatelaine Grand Prize winner for The Art of Enchantment, first in the Life is a Journey series of romantic women’s fiction about young women abroad who discover themselves and fall in love while getting embroiled in other people’s problems. Reconcilable Differences is first in the Having It All series about professional women in Vancouver struggling to balance the challenge and fulfillment of career with the search for identity, love, family and home. She also loves to weave dramatic relationships into steampunk and cyberpunk adventures.
She’s been an architect, a gerontologist, a telephone operator, a dental hygienist, and an education savings advisor. When not writing, she meditates while hiking wooded mountain trails, does yoga and Pilates to fend off decrepitude, reads eclectically, contemplates wormholes, experiments with painting abstract expressionism, kills plants and tries not to burn dinner. Clarke Scott lives on beautiful Vancouver Island, Canada with her husband and a few small mammals. Although she knows she lives in Paradise, she still loves traveling the world in search of romance, art, good food and new story ideas.
I love to write about … young women on journeys abroad who discover themselves and fall in love while getting embroiled in someone else’s problems and professional women in their 30’s struggling to balance the challenge and fulfillment of their career with their search for love, family and home. I also love to weave dramatic relationships into close-to-home sci-fi adventure plots, particularly in the steampunk (Victorian era) and cyberpunk (gaming) sub-genres.
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