Short Listed for the Chatelaine Book Award

Chatelaine Book Awards for Romantic Fiction 2016 Finalist

CAC 17 logo Chanticleer Authors Conference Bellingham WA

I’m excited to announce that two (2!) of my manuscripts are finalist for the 2016 Chatelaine Book Award for Romantic Fiction. Check the full list of finalists here. Congratulations to all the finalists, for both the Chatelaine, and the other writing prizes sponsored by Chanticleer Book Reviews.

This is the same prize that my unpublished manuscript, A Dissimulation of Doves won First in Category in 2014. That book, and its Chanticleer review, have not yet been released, as I’m mulling over some important revisions before I let it go out into the world. 🙂

I skipped a year, and then sent in two books last fall. The first is my published novel, Reconcilable Differences, which I later entered in a separate contest, the Somerset Award for Literary/Contemporary, since that’s where the subcategory for Women’ Fiction now lives. Since the book rides the line between Romance and WF, we’ll see how that goes.

New Book Release Scheduled for Spring

In the Chatelaine Book Award contest, Reconcilable Differences competes against thirty-four other manuscripts or books, including my own unpublished manuscript, The Art of Enchantment. The Art of Enchantment is scheduled for release in March of this year, just in time for the Chanticleer Authors Conference and Award Banquet. Hopefully I’ll have reason to celebrate, but given my experience in 2015, it’s an amazing, rich conference and I’ll be enjoying myself mingling with hundreds of other fascinating authors.


Friends toasting with champagne glasses


Books on the Bay Book Festival and Author Signing

If you’re attending the conference or live in the Bellingham, WA area, you’ll be one of the first able to pick up a print copy of the book at the Books by the Bay book festival.

It’s also my plan to release Book 2 in the Having it All series, Coming About, released in time for the Chanticleer conference. Very soon I’ll have cover reveals for both new books so stay tuned, or sign up for my email list so you’ll be the first to be notified of this and other news and events, including the contest results.

Conference Workshop

Also at the conference at the end of March, I’ll be presenting a workshop or two. The one I know about for sure is called The Belly of the Whale: Understanding the Heroine’s Journey.

Here’s how the conference is described: “Come and enjoy 3 days of instruction on how to improve your marketing skills and sell more books, located at the beautiful Hotel Bellwether, at Squalicum Harbor on beautiful Bellingham Bay, in Bellingham, Washington conveniently located between Seattle and Vancouver, B.C.”

To register for the conference, click here.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Leave a comment below to tell me if you’ll be attending the conference so we can connect in Bellingham.




Reconcilable Differences cover

The final new book cover



Finally Reconcilable Differences is ready for publication. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, this is a book that was originally written over ten years ago. For all the revisions, it will always carry the scars of having been my first, and because of that, the vehicle for my learning curve as a writer.


In some ways, this seems appropriate for a book that’s about exactly that.  A woman, Kate O’Day, who carries the emotional and psychic scars of a long-ago sexual assault, and the emotional trauma of dealing with and healing from that over many years. Kate, like her story, has been in a long iterative process of revision, learning and rebirth.


I’m so happy to be able to share Kate’s story with you at last. It’s an important story, and as one reviewer said, “we get to ride along on this harrowing journey without getting too beat up along the way.” Reconcilable Differences explores how sexual assault can lead to repressed memories, PTSD, and compromised self-esteem that has deep and lasting impact on a woman and her ability to form lasting and intimate relationships.


I felt it was important to explore these subtler psychological dimensions, since they are rarely discussed, in the context of growing awareness of rape culture, and how it supports, prolongs and institutionalizes the oppression of women for the duration of their lives.





But this is not meant to be a dark or a radical book. My goal had always been to tell a love story. A sensitive and intimate exploration of one woman’s journey toward self-knowledge, self-acceptance and love. Although Reconcilable Differences isn’t a classic romance, it is a love story, as Kate navigates the reawakening of a love she lost long ago, along with her own sense of self.


It’s ultimately an optimistic story that hopefully resonates with readers, allowing insight into the inner life of a woman searching for identity, fulfillment, balance and love. In that regard, it speaks to us all.




Regardless of your personal experience, everywoman’s life shares certain common threads. Despite changes over generations, and from place to place, women have always had to struggle to find their place in society. No matter what choices you are given, or what decisions you make, there are always options, always consequences, always disappointments. I don’t think this feeling is particular to my generation, but I do feel that my own life is a reflection of this truth, and so I write with insight and authority on subjects that have touched me personally.


The Having It All series of novels is my way of exploring modern women’s lives as they try to integrate the particular circumstances of their families of origin and personal experiences with perpetually conflicting goals. How do we balance freedom with security, self-expression, identity and autonomy with love, family and belonging? As we variously lean in and try to participate fully in the world, we also need to keep a finger on the pulse of our inner lives to ensure that we don’t sell ourselves short. True empowerment means living fully in our own essence, and having the freedom to make and live with our choices without regret.




This is a good moment to reflect on why I wrote this story, and why I believe you should read it. Women’s Fiction encompasses the woman’s journey no matter where or when or how she lives, and by donning the mantle, and walking in the shoes, of characters that are like, but different from ourselves, we learn. We become sensitized to the particular challenges women face, and we can apply those lessons to our own lives, hopefully for the better. We learn about the world, we learn about ourselves, and we learn about each other.
We are all on a journey, and honest compelling storytelling has always been an important way for us to broaden, deepen and strengthen ourselves for the road. I hope you join me on this journey and both read and enjoy Reconcilable Differences. There are more stories where this one came from!



These are all the ways you can help me with the business side of being an author. The more help I get with this stuff, the more time I can spend writing new stories to share with you.

Fairy Tales as Real Life Lessons for Women

Forging a Better Version of Yourself Through Fairy Tales: Lessons for Women

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, in her seminal 1992 book of fairy tales, Women Who Run with the Wolves, says of stories: “In a very real way, we are imprinted with knowing just by listening to the tale.” (p.387)


Women Who Run with the Wolves


Participation mystique: Just like living it


Termed “participation mystique” by Jungian psychologists, this notion has more recently been scientifically proven by brain researchers. Your brain really can’t tell the difference between experiences you live through and those you read about someone else living through, even if fictional.  Here’s an article in The Atlantic about it. And another in Science.Mic.


For a person like me who makes stuff up for a living, and loves fiction more than life, this is incredibly validating.


Thus we can read stories and fairy tales to expand our experience. The lessons we learn through fiction are real and applicable to the lives we are leading. This is the very purpose of myth. To pass along the wisdom of the ages. To learn from our “elders.”


In this book, Women Who Run with the Wolves, there is a particular story – a dark fairy tale – that Estes believes “deals with most of the key journeys of a woman’s psyche.” It’s one that seems to have particular relevance to women, such as myself, who wake up one day in mid-life and wonder: What happened? How did I get here? Has this happened to you, too? Do you wonder about the choices you made, the lies you told yourself, the sacrifices and compromises that marriage and motherhood and life seem to have demanded of you? Do you look in the mirror and ask: Who am I?


Do you look in the mirror and ask: Who am I?


The story’s called, “The Handless Maiden.” By reading, and slowly absorbing, this tale, we can experience, vicariously–through “sympathetic magic”– the transformations the character experiences over her entire lifetime. That’s a lot of wisdom to help you with your own life stage challenges.


Did You Sign Away Your Self? Time to Toughen Up, Ladies


There is no way to compress all of Estes wisdom into a brief blog post, but I’ll try to highlight the key points. Likely I’m doing her careful arguments a great disservice, but this is meant as an introduction only. Hopefully if this intrigues you you will seek out and read the book, if you haven’t already. Estes suggests taking quite a long time to read the story. Maybe even months. This  time is necessary because the lessons of the tale are very, very deep in a woman’s psyche, and you can’t just shake a stick at these parts of yourself and expect understanding, or change.


These deep lessons take place in a female psychic underworld, where we learn knowledge and language from the “Great Wild Mother” who wants to toughen us up to prepare us for life in the topside world of everyday. But we have to go down there to receive these lessons. Way, way down there.


Preparation for real life


In the tale, a series of tests and lessons must be mastered, each requiring a cycle of loss, sacrifice and enlightenment representing “women’s lifelong initiation into the renewal of the wild.”


Synopsis: The Handless Maiden

The tale, in brief synopsis: A man unwittingly sells his daughter to the devil in exchange for riches. She is too pure for the devil to claim, even after her hands are severed. She leaves home to become a beggar. A spirit guides her to a magical orchard, owned by a compassionate king, who falls in love and marries her. He builds her silver hands. She has a baby. The king goes away to war, and the devil interferes again, twisting messages, until the king’s mother is forced to send the queen away for safety rather than kill her. She is taken in by woods people and lives happily for seven years, and slowly her hands grow back. The king returns and seeks her out in the woods, and they live happily ever after.


The Stages:

  1. The bargain without knowing = The end of innocence.  (What poor bargain did you make?) Everywoman gives up her deep self knowledge and power for a more frail self. We trade our wild selves for the promise of riches, but the reward is hollow. We choose superficial riches and gives up dominion over some part of our passionate, creative and instinctive life. We become a sleep-walker, yet this is a necessary step on our journey. A catalyst. The father who guides us is ignorant of the connection between the inner and the outer worlds. Things are not what they appear to be.
  2. The (symbolic) dismemberment, or separation from false life/innocence
  3. The wandering (foraging for fruit symbolic of feminine strength)
  4. Finding love in the underworld (she is rescued, but not yet whole)
  5. Harrowing of the Soul (a time of healing, a shamanistic initiation during which she rediscovers her creative inner strength)
  6. The realm of the Wild Woman (return to society as a fully empowered, adult woman bringing gifts of knowledge, maturity and fertility.)
art by Jeanie Tomanek illustrating stages in a women's journey via the fairy tale The Handless Maiden

art by Jeanie Tomanek

For a terrifically written, thoughtful and more thorough analysis of this and other fairy tales, as well as art inspired by them, visit my new favorite link, the extremely awesome Terri Windling’s Blog, Myth & Moor.

“The trials these wounded young heroes encounter illustrate the process of transformation: from youth to adulthood, from victim to hero, from a maimed state to wholeness, from passivity to action. Fairy tales are
 maps through the woods, trails of stones to mark the path, marks carved into trees to let us know that other women and men have been this way before.”

Windling concludes her analysis by saying: “Likewise, we’re not meant to remain in the circle of enchantment deep in the fairy tale forest — we’re meant to come back out again, bringing our hard-won knowledge and fortune with us…in service to the family (old or new), the realm, the community; to children and the future.”


Inspiration for Writing and Life


A better source of inspiration for writing women’s fiction I can’t imagine. One of my novels, a work-in-progress entitled “Coming About,” is a more intentional exploration of a woman’s journey through various stages of this process of metaphysical maturation and self-discovery. It’s about a woman who values her professional success as an architect over her selfhood as a woman. At the beginning, she has figuratively sold her soul to the devil by having an affair with her boss, and must lose everything she values and go on a spiritual retreat to learn how to integrate her inner and outer worlds.

This journey also serves as a metaphor for a writer’s life. What are we, as storytellers, doing, besides entertaining our readers, if not bringing our life’s journey to bear on stories that are a product of our creative imagination. For what purpose? To share them with our community, and our children. As I said earlier, this is the very purpose of myth – and of story. To pass along the wisdom of the ages.

If you’re a writer, have you applied this framework of the heroine’s journey to your writing? And whether you are or not, does this fairy tale speak to you in terms of your own life journey?


Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo: What are your pre-writing rituals?

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo: What are your pre-writing rituals?

The Value of Rituals

This is a great article, and also I love this guy so I recommend subscribing.

This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day

Anticipating NaNoWriMo Daily Writing

As the participants of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) anticipate our start tomorrow, I’m thinking about the little rituals we all have, conscious or not, as we prepare to sit down and write.


For our purposes here, let’s have a little fun. What are your personal “ok I’m going to sit down and write now” preparation or psych-up rituals? Let’s share and maybe have a laugh.


Aahhhh, My Morning Latte

When Barker mentioned the ritual of preparing your special morning coffee, that really resonated with me. I make my own half decaf latte’s at home and I love them so much, but the preparation gives me as much joy as the drinking of them. Something about the anticipation, the way I lay out all the bits and pieces, the sensuality of it, the noise of the steamer, even. Damn those coffees taste good. And then I feel I’m ready for anything.

As for daily writing, I think I probably do a few non-essential household puttering things. Put a wash on, let the vacuum go (it’s a robot), tidy a few piles of papers. Maybe sit and stare out the window doing deep breathing for a while, gathering my thoughts, immersing myself in my imaginary world. And once I get going, I would also read over the past day’s words as a way to sink into the story world before I begin.


Good Luck Charms Actually Work!

Oh, and as for good luck charms, there’s this guy:

Little wooden jester doll

I’m not sure why but he has to be with me when I’m writing new content. My B-I-L thinks it’s weird that my mascot is a jester, but
 well maybe it is. But he chose me so I can’t help it. (It doesn’t mean I don’t take my writing seriously.)

I’m sure as I get going, if I pay attention, I’ll notice a few other weird things that I do.

How about you?

Are You An Over-Educated Word Snob?

Long Complex Words Make Readers Think You Are A Snob or A Fake


education for bloggers


Today I listened to the ProBlogger podcast PB052: 10 Writing Tips to Help You Sound More Human, here. You can go there later to listen to the whole thing, but stay with me for a bit to think about this one idea.


Banner Logo/Picture of Darren Rouse, ProBlogger

ProBlogger Darren Rouse


It’s full of great advice from “Beth Dunn, Product Editor-in-Chief at HubSpot. In [this] podcast episode, Beth shares really practical tips and strategies you can use for helping you sound more human in the way you write your blog content.”


Overall I found this very helpful for someone like me that’s still (perpetually – um, I mean always) struggling to figure out how to blog, and blog well. All of these tips are intended to build your brand through managing how your readers perceive (see) you.


use simpler, shorter words


But there was one tip that I really related to, and that was #2: Convey that you’re honest. How? Beth suggests that the way to do this is to use simpler, shorter words, which go a long way to making you sound more trustworthy. Moreover, using long, complex words takes more brain power both to read and to understand. This “cognitive burden” as ProBlogger host Darren Rouse suggests, takes more time and energy, neither of which your readers – that is my readers – you – have to spare.


Let me tell you a story


But first I have to confess that, as a child, I was a really annoying little prig. I didn’t know this at the time, of course. But with my blue eyes, and blonde ringlets, my Pollyanna notions and goody-two-shoes righteousness, I must have been obnoxious. I was one of those kids who didn’t like dirt, noise, old people, other kids—especially boys, sharing my things, not getting my own way, or my food touching. Yeah, like that.


blond schoolgirl in uniform

Not me – but you get the idea



I can remember a time, about grade four maybe, when some kid in the back of class pitched a rubber eraser at some girl’s head and made her cry, and no one would fess up. Classic scenario. The poor beleaguered (er, I mean long-suffering) nuns (yes, I know, Catholic school *eye roll*) decided to haul each and every kid in the class down to the principal’s office, one at a time, trying to intimidate (scare?) a confession out of someone, anyone, by threatening the strap.


By the time my turn came, my stiff little back was up and those nuns didn’t stand a chance. I strode in there and announced (in my undoubtedly squeaky, righteous little girl voice): “I didn’t do anything wrong and you have NO RIGHT to strap me!” They smiled and thanked me (probably laughing into their wimples) and sent me back to class. Presumably that’s what happened to everyone else too, but in my arrogant little mind, it was the way I’d handled it. I’d told them!



I was a word-nerd from the start, and because I loved words, ideas, books and learning, of course I loved school. That right there was enough to make me unpopular.



I wasn’t unpopular, though. Not really. I wasn’t Miss Congeniality, but I always had friends. And I didn’t mind be the teacher’s pet. I wasn’t mean or rude or a snob. I was polite to everyone and never stepped out of bounds, so my nose was squeaky clean.



How to win friends and influence people:

act dumb[er]?



When I was nine years old, we moved to a new, faraway neighborhood. For about a year and a half, I bussed into town to the same school. But after a while, I got to know some local kids and decided I wanted to go to the local elementary school. Now picture grade six.


Grade six group photo 1970's

NOT my Grade 6 class photo, but gosh it could be! Right down to the teacher Mr. Now.



It was a pretty hip school, with open areas and blended grades and other new-agey ideas from the 1970’s that probably had merit, but didn’t amount to much teaching and learning. Coming from my strict Catholic school culture, I was light years ahead academically.



apparently, I used really big words


the intellectual snob



And, apparently, I used really big words. My new classmates were quick to point this out, and to ridicule me relentlessly (um, non-stop) for it. It hurt. After all, I was just being my genuinely priggish little self. I wasn’t a snob or trying to lord it over them. Just using my “god-given” talents.



Think about it for a sec. If you ask someone like Malcolm Gladwell or educator and author of The Element Ken Robinson they’ll tell you that it’s the combination of a spark of talent, a lot of passion and a thousand hours of practice that create success. So if you take someone like, I don’t know, Keith Richards say, who’s spent his long, long, long life playing the guitar and singing, you’d expect him to be pretty good at it. You wouldn’t say to him that he should pull his punches so he doesn’t look like a snob, or like he’s trying too hard. Would you?


 Keith Richards performing



Back to my story. Wishing to be at least somewhat popular, I quickly adapted to this new hostile environment by dumbing down my language. I used simpler, shorter words, learned to speak some kind of regular kid vernacular (slang?), and spiced things up with vulgar swear words to be safe. I still speak a little like this, though I do know how to write “proper English.”



Later on in life, I thought I’d probably short-changed myself. With more support, maybe I could have taken that edge and turned it into future opportunities: scholarships, better jobs, an earlier start to my writing career, maybe. Who knows?



I’m not saying you can’t communicate intelligent ideas with simple words. But the English language has so many. It just seems like such a waste. What do you think? If this is true, and apparently it is, where can a person put a good education use?



I promised myself that I would never again be untrue to myself. I would never pretend to be something that I was not. And I would never sell my own strengths and talents short. And if people didn’t like it, well, too bad for them. That was who I was.



And now they’re telling me I have to exchange my hard-earned vocabulary for a simpler, more reader-friendly one in order to appear honest and trustworthy. My inner prig is pouting.
pink flamingo flock acting snobby



I want to throw a party for other disadvantaged over-educated intellectual snobs so everyone can show off their language mastery and toss as many big words around as they like. It would be very exclusive. No wait, that sounds like a university faculty party full of boring and pretentious boors. Bad idea.



Tell me what you think. Were you every ridiculed for being too good at something? Do you prefer to read blog posts and articles that use simple shorter words rather than stretching your knowledge of the English language and keeping the bar high? I look forward to hearing your opinion.






7 x 7 x 7 – Seven Line Challenge

I’ve been tagged by friend, colleague and crit partner @donnabarker in the on again/off again 7 x 7 x 7 seven line challenge that goes around writers’ circles. Donna was recently tagged by Amy Sedgemore.


View of the city of York

view of the city of York

Since I was just notified last week that my manuscript A Dissimulation of Doves has won first place in the YA/NA category of the Chatelaine Writing Contest for Women’s Fiction and Romance run by Chanticleer Book Reviews, I’ve chosen the excerpt from that book.


Ok. So here goes (btw: it looks like more than 7 lines because of formatting):


I twist out of his grasp impatient with his diplomacy. “Do you have to jump on every bandwagon that rolls into town? Can’t you and I just be our own show sometimes?”


His eyes glower and he shrugs. A huge shrug. A shrug with huge attitude and arrogance. “You want independence, eh? Isn’t dat what you fight with your family about? Dat’s why you come wit’ me, no? But you ‘ang on me like a leach. You can’t do anyt’ing wit’out me. I’m suffocating!”


I suck in a deep breath. My heart thumps, slow and hard, filling my chest, aching. I step back…


Aaand, that’s all folks.


Stay tuned for more info about the Chatelaine prize. I’ll be heading to Bellingham for the Chanticleer Authors Conference September 26-29.


Before then I’ll be putting up a new landing page here with a beautiful new book cover for A Dissimulation of Doves. You’ll be able to sign up for my email list to receive advanced notice of publication of this *ahem* award winning book.


Let me know in the comments section what these seven lines make you think of. What questions arise in your mind? Are you curious to read more of A Dissimulation of Doves?